Weekly Golf

Pairings Chair: Anne Hurley  307-921-9977

Pairings Weekly Contact:   Jane Rowland  479-366-1878

Scoring Contacts:  Lisa Vines  918-440-3806 and Wanda Barloon 254-368-5916

Today's Play @ BV Golf Courses - BVPOA

Today's Weather

We no longer have Captains. Please read New Procedures from 2023 below.

Remember, all putts must be holed out. No Mats or tees in the Fairway.

Current Week's CTP Results also posted on Homepage

Use the scroll bar at the right or click on the  down arrow to expand the topic

Information on Signing Into Golf Genius & Help with Golf Genius has been moved to its own page under Weekly Golf. Click here to go to that link or click on the WGC golf logo in the upper left corner and choose Golf Genius page listed under Weekly Golf.



Monday 10 pm         Deadline to sign up online.

Player Lists are available on the Golf Genius website. Not on the Player List or forgot to sign up? Are you listed and not playing or need to cancel? Please contact the Pairings Chair by noon on Tuesday; texting is fine.

Tuesday 7 pm           Pairings available.

Tuesday After 7pm through Wednesday Night:      Contact the Weekly Pairings Contact for additions and cancellations.

Thursday Morning:      If you need to cancel, call golf course directly, as well as your captain. If you find yourself able to play, go to course and see if they have opening. However, you will not be eligible for prize award.


Thursday      Deadline to score online - within 1 hour of completing round. Score card should be sent to BVWGC.SCORING@GMAIL.COM


Friday 10 am           Results available.

New Procedures for 2023 (Revised 1/31/2023) - No More Captains

Your WGC Board has been busy preparing for the upcoming season.  Here are a few approved changes:

In an effort to streamline the checking in process each play day, we are eliminating the role of captains.  The following changes will be made beginning in April:

Non annual members, who pay each time they play, will pick up all scorecards and cart tags for the foursome.  If the foursome is all annual members, the first person who arrives at the course will pick up the scorecard and cart tags.

The first and third person listed in the foursome will get the cart and players 1 & 2 will ride together and players 3 & 4 will ride together.

Before teeing off, the foursome will decide who is keeping the official scorecard and who will enter the scores hole by hole in the Golf Genius software.  The person keeping the scorecard will turn in the signed and verified scorecard after the round.

Players will not be called each week.  Each player should check the pairings report in Golf Genius to be sure they are or are not playing.

Closest to the Pin money will be collected at the beginning of the season.  Keeping in mind that half of the money goes to our selected charities at the end of the season, each member who wants to participate in the Closest to the Pin weekly contests will pay $20 by April 6, our first play day.  Someone will be collecting this money at the Spring Meeting too.  The names of those participating will be on the proximity markers next to the green for recording your distance.

If you want to join the CTP contest after the Firecracker Tournament, you may do so for $10.

If you do not want to participate in the CTP but would like to donate to the charities, you may pay $10 and designate it for the charity fund.

The Board also voted to have a maximum hole score of 10 except on Low Gross, Low Net play days when ball pick-ups are not allowed.


Notify the Pairing Committee Weekly Contact and your Team Captain as soon as possible

Each week, the pairings committee has a designated 'Weekly Contact'.  The Weekly Contact's information can be found on the pairings sheet.

Members are responsible for letting the Weekly Contact and her team captain know if she is unable to play after pairings are published.  Please make the contact as soon as possible if a cancellation is necessary.  

No Shows

Cancellations called into the Weekly Contact after pairings are completed will incur NO PENALTY.  No Shows on play days will be removed from the sign-up sheet for the next regular play day.  (Note:  Regular play days do not include Special Tournaments.)  

No Shows are defined as "members who do not notify the pairings committee weekly contact or the clubhouse prior to the start of play".  This penalty applies whether or not the play day is canceled or not completed for any reason.  


Updated: April 1, 2020

Game Descriptions

Understanding the Flights for 2020

A,B,C,D, will be the name of the Flights this year.

AAAA is in Flight, 4 person team.

AA is in Flight, 2 person team.

ABAB-CDCD means that 2 A players and 2 B players will make a team and will play against like foursomes; 2 C players and 2 D players will make a team and will play against like foursomes.

AB-CD means an A player and B player will make a team and will play against like twosomes; a C player and a D player will make a team and will play against like twosomes.

2 Person Net Best Ball : Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is best net on each hole. 

2 Person Scramble: Each player hits from the tee: the preferred shot is selected and each player plays the next shot from within one club length of the mark, no nearer the hole. This format continues until the ball is holed. 2 drives must be used by each player per 9 holes.

4 Person 1-2-3 Net Best Ball Waltz: Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is based on 1 net best ball on hole 1, 2 net best balls on hole 2, 3 net best balls on hole 3, 1 net best ball on hole 4, etc.

4 Person Low Net Ball and High Net Ball: Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is based on low net ball and high net ball on each hole.

4 Person Net Best Ball : Play own ball. Record gross scores only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is the total net of the 2 scores used. 

4 Person Net Best Ball MIX : Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is based on 1 net best ball from holes 1 to 9, 2 net best ball from holes 10 thru 17, and 3 net best balls from hole 18.

4 Person Net Best Ball Stableford: Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score. Team score is total points based on best 2 players’ net bogeys (1 point), net pars (2 points), net birdies (3 points), and net eagles (4 points) for each hole.

4 Person Yellow Net Ball: Play own ball. Use yellow ball, if it’s your turn. Record gross score only. Team score is based on yellow ball and one net best ball of other three players. Each player alternates playing the yellow ball on each hole. Player 1 plays yellow ball first, player 2 plays yellow ball on hole 2, etc. If the yellow ball is lost, player will finish the hole with a new ball and post their score with the penalty. Next player in rotation uses that ball and it becomes the designated “yellow” ball. Teams are not disqualified if the yellow ball is lost.

Fs & Ts: Play own ball. Record only gross score. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is total of two best NET scores on holes that begin with Fs and Ts (#2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15).

Individual Drop 3 Worst Net holes : Play own Ball. Record gross scores only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Drop the three worst holes.

Individual Low Net Stableford : Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score for 18 holes. Points are based on a player’s net bogeys (1 point), net pars (2 points), net birdies (3 points), and net eagles (4 points).

Low Gross / Low Net: Play own ball. Record gross score only. Total gross score for 18 holes.

ONES: Play own ball. Record only gross score. Total gross score for 18 holes. Team score is total of two best NET scores or holes that begin with the letters O.N.E.S (#1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18).

Two Club

The Two Club is a golf group that anyone can join. The only requirement for membership is that a gross “2” is scored while playing with a Two Club member or members.

Score a gross “2” (usually a birdie on a par 3) AND ASK if anyone is a member of the Two Club.

If so, pay each Two Club member $1.00. You are then a member for life.

Once a Two Club member, whenever you score a “2”, you must ask if anyone in the group is a Two Club member. If there are any, EACH person owes you $1.00. Thereafter, if you are playing with someone who scores a “2”, you either receive $1.00 from them, if they wish to join, or YOU pay them $1.00 if they are already a member.

If you score a “2” on a hole and ARE NOT playing with a Two Club member, YOU CANNOT JOIN THE CLUB yet.

Official Two Club pins are available for purchase at cost from the Awards Chair.

Maximum Strokes Allowed per Handicap Scoring

The maximum hole score for handicap purposes is NET DOUBLE BOGEY.

NET DOUBLE BOGEY = Double Bogey + any handicap strokes you receive

Example: A player with a Course Handicap of 10 receives 1 stroke on holes allocated 1 through 10. On a par 4 hole with a stroke index of 5, their net bogey is 7 (double bogey + 1).

WGC scoring will automatically adjust stroke controls for handicap. Always post gross score.